Thomas White Jr. Foundation, Inc., Logo Thomas White Jr. Foundation, Inc.
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 To promote, develop, establish coordinate and conduct unified programs for education, prevention, community referrals and rehabilitation of substance abuse and education deficiencies.

B.A.S.I.C.S International Partnership


Sponsoring a child helps us continue our work here in Ghana. Sponsorship is a valuable investment, as it creates a sustainable community.  Education is empowering, and empowerment means sustainability.

There are a variety of ways you can change the life of a child, whether it be through providing them a cooked meal everyday, covering their school fees and associated costs, or placing ‘at risk’ children in our safe house to get them off the very adult streets. 100% of your donation goes directly to the projects at B.A.S.I.C.S International

School in Ghana
School Supplies-  Support BASICS efforts in providing the necessary tools children in underpriviledged communities to attend school.  Governments school are free; however the tools needed are not.
$50.00 can provide an uniforms, exam fees and stationery (exercise books).

For more information go to